Need assistance? Email the IPO support team at ipo@uark.edu. You can also follow the Bumpers College International Programs Office on Instagram @bumpers.ipo for trip updates, student spotlights, and deadlines!
Download our 2024 IPO Opportunities Flyer to learn more about upcoming programs.

Faculty-Led Programs
Participate in a high quality, short-term program led by some of our most outstanding faculty! These programs provide 3 to 6 credit hours and will help you gain knowledge and learn about a new culture.

Scholarships and Funding
There are many funding opportunities through the International Programs Office and the Office of Study Abroad for students interested in support to participate in our programs

Internship Programs
Each year, an increasing number of students participate in international internships. Unlike other study abroad programs, internships are directed on an individual basis with guidance from each student’s academic mentor or department.